
Enchanted to meet you !

Hello 🙂 I’m Samjhana Moon. I remember the first portrait I took at age 9 of our new kitten clinging to a tree trunk. I was so excited to get the film developed and I’ve been hooked on photography ever since.

Today I offer an embodied experience to capture genuine moments of connection in emotive images that are healing and transitory. Witnessing and facilitating these experiences is an honour and a blessing for me. I never tire of hearing a woman say, “Wow, is that really me?” or “What kind of magic is that” when she sees herself in my camera.

I’ve always had a gift for relaxing people, seeing their unique beauty and mirroring the spirit through my lens. 

During my college years, I immersed myself in Black and White Studio Portraiture and discovered that my maternal Grandfather and Great Grandfather were both professional photographers. I call on their presence for support in every photoshoot.

My affinity with nature is the most important relationship for me to nurture. I discovered the healing power of the natural world in my teens which marked the beginning of my personal development journey. The diversity of vibration in different landscapes inspired me to travel the world solo for many years in search of wilderness to experience and photograph. I’ve visited over 30 countries and every location has expanded my awareness of our interconnectedness with nature’s seasons and cycles. My last employed role as an executive PA and Events Organiser gave me all the training I needed to run a successful business, take care of people’s needs and create seamless adventures. 

These 2 passions, for people and the wild, came together in 2009 when I returned to the UK after 7 years of epic adventures around the world. I had a passion to share what I’d learned and help women connect their body with nature’s cycles in a unique way. I created a collection of work called “The Goddess Within”. It exhibited in London and the work was so well received that I launched the concept as a photography service in 2010.

Discovering the unique connection each woman has with the landscape, seasons, cycles and elements is what sparks my curiosity and inspires the location and timing of each photo session. Empowering women to see beyond the image in the mirror, recognise their potential by expanding their wild edges to find a deeper meaning in life is what lights my creative fire. An no, it’s not vain or egotistical to want to experience your own beauty. This feminine wound is very real, and once transformed in this visceral way, a new sense of idenity and self awareness is born.

The images we create are an expression of the Sacred principle that acknowledges our innate connection to the natural world. The exploration of Earth based spirituality, the seasons and elements, feminine archetypes and sensory awareness are leading influences. All images are co-created on location with no digital manipulation and working intuitively with the natural flow.

It’s my wish in sharing these intimate moments with the world, that men and women will give greater value to feminine qualities within us all. That we return to nature as an integral part of her cycles and seasons. I hope these portraits bring the viewer into a state of presence and consciousness with their wild nature and that this might lead us home, to a more sustainable and peaceful world on Planet Earth.

I’m passionate about giving my time and talent to women stepping up to help others with their unique gifts and who genuinely care about the planet. If this is you, I’d love to hear from you. I invite you to apply for a free discovery call where we’ll explore ideas and visualise what we might co-create.

This whole experience has been absolutely unforgettable, I was nervous but Samjhana brought me out of myself. I always thought I was rather un-photogenic so I was speechless and actually cried when I saw my portraits. Somehow my essence shone through which helped me to see beyond my physical shell and showed ME who I really am.

What a blessing and honour for knowing you in person Samjhana and having this divine experience with you. Being held in your space, energy and heart for my own growth as a woman is a blessing beyond expressions! I’m forever touched in the deepest ends of my soul and heart. Thanks a million!


I’m devoted to sisterhood and offering an alternative lens that challenges the media’s distorted projection of beauty. I was awarded the People’s Choice Speaker award for TEDx Totnes​ 2015​. ​Watch my talk here.

inner Seasons Revolutionise
My passion for menstrual cycle empowerment and moon manifesting led to the creation of the World’s first moon and menstruation clock in 2016. Visit my Inner Seasons website to discover the practical tools I’ve created to help you live in harmony with nature.